
Edited Volume

Forthcoming: Jacquelyne Thoni Howard, Enilda Romero Hall, Clare Daniel, Niya Bond, Liv Newman, Feminist Pedagogy for Teaching Online, Athabasca University Press, December 2024.

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

Jacquelyne Thoni Howard and Rachel Tabor, “From a Zoom Crisis Response to Feminist Talking Circles: Leveraging Digital Tools to Reconsider Collaborative Feedback Practices in the Digital Humanities,” for the Digital Humanities in Times of Crisis Special Edition, IJHAC: A Journal of Digital Humanities, 2023.

Jacquelyne Thoni Howard, “A Productive Colony: Threats to French Imperial Priorities and the Development of Families in Early French Colonial Louisiana’s Lower Mississippi Valley Borderlands,” in the Center for French Colonial Studies’ Le Journal 32 (4), Fall, 2016, p 3-19.

Peer-Reviewed Book Chapters

Jacquelyne Thoni Howard, “Zoom Etiquette Guides: Negotiating Between Workplace Professionalism and Gendered Homeplace Surveillance in the Videoconferencing Borderlands” in Nunes, Mark, and Cassandra Ozog, eds. You’re Muted”: Performance, Precarity, and the Logic of Zoom. Bloomsbury Academic, August 2024.

Jacquelyne Thoni Howard, Interdisciplinary Technology Communities: Using Feminist Epistemologies and Pedagogy in a DH Lab to Promote Social Good through Undergraduate Student Programming,” in Digital Humanities and Laboratories: Perspectives on Knowledge, Infrastructure and Culture, Routledge, November 2023. 

Forthcoming: Jacquelyne Thoni Howard, “Surveillance, Data, and Feminist Pedagogy: Designing Online Classrooms as Equitable Learning Spaces,” in Feminist Pedagogy for Teaching Online, University of Athabasca Press.

Forthcoming: Jacquelyne Thoni Howard, Niya Bond, Liv Newman, and Clare Daniel, “A Praxis of Priorities: Using Feminist Pedagogy to (Re)-Imagine Online Classrooms,” in Feminist Pedagogy for Teaching Online, University of Athabasca Press.

Encyclopedia Entries

Jacquelyne Thoni Howard, “Oscar Romero,” in The World’s Greatest Religious Leaders: How Religious Figures Helped Shape World History, ABC-CLIO, March 2018.

Jacquelyne Thoni Howard, “Women of All Red Nations (WARN),” in Women in the American Political System: An Encyclopedia of Women as Voters, Candidates, and Office Holders, ABC-CLIO, November 2018.

Jacquelyne Thoni Howard, “North American Indian Women’s Association,” in Women in the American Political System: An Encyclopedia of Women as Voters, Candidates, and Office Holders, ABC-CLIO, November 2018.

Public and Digital Scholarship

Feminist Pedagogy for Teaching Online Guide,” Founding Editor with Dr. Clare Daniel, Enilda Romero-Hall, Niya Bond, and Liv Newman, 2020 – Present.

This Beautiful Sisterhood of Books Project,” Technical Director, 2017 – Present. Peer Reviewed by the Recovery Hub for American Women Writers.

Newcomb: Tech in Mind Zine,” Editor, Newcomb Institute of Tulane University. 2017-2023. 

Looking for the French Empire in New Orleans: A Week in the Archives,” at History at Fordham. 2014.

A Global Voice: The Bronx African American History Project and Digital History,” at Fordham Graduate Student Digital Humanities Group Blog. 2014.

Works – In Progress

Book – Revise and Resubmit: Jacquelyne Thoni Howard, Families and Kin in the Lower French Louisiana Borderlands: 1700-1766, with the University of Nebraska Press.

Kate Adams and Jacquelyne Thoni Howard, “Recovery without Reification,” ed. Lisa Hinrichsen and Gina Caison, Record, Document, Archive: Constructing the South Out of Region, LSU Press. 2025.

Enilda Romero-Hall, Clare Daniel, Jacquelyne Thoni Howard, Niya Bond, Liv Newman, “A Feminist Scholars Collective Supporting the Growth and Dissemination of a Digital Guide: A Collaborative Autoethnography,” JEP special issue, “On Gathering.” 2024.